Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Quest for Quality

It was a cold Sunday evening. The sky was morphing to a dull grey as she gazed absent mindedly at the stars blinking back at her. Just trying her hand well on a new poetry, yup, and then her mom just interrupted this poet-on-the-make from the gaze. She slammed at her a pair of shirts that were giving away stitches and was saying something like “You better bank on quality than fashion” she left. She never retaliated nor did she listened to her mom(as she often did) but it had made her look back at a nostalgic encounter with a friend, telling her once “Hey nice shirt man! Must be damn high quality” she recalled herself grinning at that and with that her mind was getting engrossed with the word ‘QUALITY’. She got all crazy and went for it. There she made a google search on quality and soon on something like a quality club. This could sound silly… she thought! But have’nt one heard great people do get bizarre at times?

She was flipping past pages, and somehow this dry topic seemed all exhilarating that day. It was then that she noticed a good lot of corporates do patronise this quality club. She found that they maintain the industry sort of hierarchy, team spirit and planning and with some more time of dwelling in quality, she discovered, this is all nothing close to absurdity at all, as one could presume. What seemed crazy a few minutes back, appeared to have a lot of serious stuff to do with. She had acquired a liking for quality clubs and went on to surf the relevant sites. And soon something with substance caught her eyes and she took time off to mess with it.

She learnt that, ANNA UNIVERSITY has a Students Quality Club, that’s been into a great job of inculcating quality not only among students but also industries. After what seemed like half an hour, she logged out and sat back to think over. This club is conducting an event “Q-QUEST” towards the last week of February. The ultimate fest of industry academia interaction.

She was sharing all this with nostalgia about Qquest’08 with me when I called her to tell her about QQuest’09. Hope she finds it much more better and useful this year.


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